Love, the way of experiencing it and expressing it to others has captivated a large number of researchers. They deduced from their work 2 main types of culture of love in the World:
-In North America, Australia, Northern Europe and Western Europe, cultures would be more individualistic and this would affect the couple, its functioning, its essentials.
The most important thing in these cultures would be mainly the sharing of affinities and the freedom to choose one’s partner. Love would also be a way to escape isolation and start your own family.
In Nord America
Gli americani credono molto nell’amore romantico e in genere si prendono tutto il tempo necessario per trovare un partner. (da pochi mesi a più di un anno). Le coppie sono anche più dimostrative attraverso parole dolci, belle dichiarazioni e il tatto.
In Scozia
One of the Scottish wedding traditions would be to cover the couple entirely with feathers, then with fish and finally with flour and even earth, then to take them through the entire village, to make them understand and feel what each other suffers, so that they will always support each other in the future. This tradition would say that this would protect them from certain spirits.
In Germania
Dopo la cerimonia nuziale, un enorme tronco e una sega vengono portati alla coppia e gli sposi devono segare in due il tronco di legno. È una tradizione molto antica chiamata: “Das Baumstamm Sägen”. Dimostreranno che sono e saranno sempre in grado di superare le difficoltà insieme, fianco a fianco.
In Svezia
A marital tradition says that when the bride leaves the table, all the women invited can have a kiss from the husband. When the groom leaves the table, also all the men can have a kiss from the bride. So they try to sit still! This would show the spouses that nothing should be taken for granted in the couple.
In Cechia
Gli sposi vengono avvolti nello stesso asciugamano o lenzuolo e devono mangiare la zuppa dalla stessa ciotola, con un solo cucchiaio, a volte con le mani legate! Questo significa che devono aiutarsi a vicenda, condividere e rimanere uniti.
In Giappone
A very old legend tells that a boy was walking one night and saw an old man reading a book. He asks the old man what he was reading. The old man replies that it is a marriage book and tells this boy that he was going to marry a girl, and points to her with his finger because she was passing in front of them at that time. The boy does not want to get married at all in the future and throws a stone at this girl and he runs away very quickly. Years later, his entourage organizes his arranged marriage with a young girl. But when he discovers his future wife, in addition to falling in love for the first time, he notices a very small scar on one of her eyebrows. He then asks her how she got this scar and his future wife then tells him that she had this scar because of a stone thrown at her by a boy a long time ago.
Nelle Filippine
Love is expressed more through sharing a laugh together and listening to each other with great attention and concentration.
In Cina
In China, the lovers’ festival called Qixi is July 7.
This festival is based on a Chinese legend which tells the impossible love story between a farmer and a fairy.
The farmer hides his fairy’s clothes to hold her back. He declares his love for her by giving them back to her and the fairy chooses to stay on earth with him.
They have perfect love until the goddess of the Heavens intervenes and transforms the lovers into stars in the Sky and separating them by the Milky Way.
The 7th night of the 7th month (i.e. July 7) is a very special day because magpies fly and form a bridge between the two lovers so that they can meet again and share that whole night together.
On July 7, during Qixi, many Chinese people like to admire the stars and young women offer offerings to the fairy who is considered a goddess of love.
Ai russi piace sedurre con appuntamenti romantici, gesti premurosi che hanno come obiettivo il matrimonio in tempi brevi.
In Russia, l’amore era considerato più una moda che esisteva solo nelle favole.
Uno studio indica che i russi si innamorano più rapidamente (meno di un mese) degli americani, che impiegano più tempo (tra i due mesi e l’anno) per stabilirsi in una relazione romantica ed esclusiva.
In Russia si festeggia San Valentino, ma la festa più popolare è il giorno della famiglia, dell’amore e della lealtà, che si celebra l’8 luglio.
La famiglia è molto importante per i russi ed è un bozzolo, uno spazio che preservano, cercando di andare d’accordo, evitando i conflitti e avendo un rapporto molto forte, soprattutto con la madre.
Quando un uomo ha trovato la sua anima gemella, può pronunciare questa magnifica parola: “Я однолюб”, che in francese si pronuncia “ia Odnoliub”, che significa “amo” tanto quanto “sono l’uomo di una sola donna”, o “sono fedele a questa donna”, oppure può essere tradotta per un uomo che conosce un solo e unico amore nella sua vita.
In tutto il mondo,
La canzone di Francis Cabrel ci ricorda
L’amore è ovunque tu guardi Nei più piccoli angoli dello spazio Nel più piccolo sogno dove ti soffermi”.