- caffeomancy

Caffeomancy is a method of divination that involves predicting the future by interpreting the traces left by coffee grounds at the bottom of a plate or cup.
Originating in Yemen, caffeomancy is said to have been practiced since the 9th century.
This divinatory art is passed down from mother to daughter. Animals, numbers, letters and objects are drawn on the bottom of the cup, which is turned upside down on its saucer.
The drawings on the saucer represent the present, and the drawings in the cup represent the future.


Tasséomancy is the reading of tea leaf designs.
Different methods have been practiced for centuries, but the principles are the same.
Tea leaves are brewed and the consultant drinks the tea, leaving the leaves at the bottom of the cup with a residue of liquid.
The consultant stirs the tea a number of times, which may differ from one civilization to another, and then turns the cup upside down onto an under-cup. The diviner takes the cup and interprets the patterns, shapes and variations appearing at the bottom of the cup.
The edges of the cup must be flared so that the leaves stick to them.


This divination uses salt. The diviner throws salt into the air, and his interpretation is based in two stages: the first on how the salt falls to the ground, and the second on the analysis of the shapes on the ground.
This divination is performed by ‘observing figures formed on the ground’ (Robert).

If astrology links Heaven to Earth, we can say that geomancy unites Earth to Man.
Geomancy is an age-old, mathematically-based divinatory art of Arabic origin, brought to the Latin West at the same time as Arabic astrology.

After an invocation to his God, the geomancer works on the ground or sand with his right hand, designing his figures from right to left, and interpreting the person’s past, present and future.


is a divination that is performed by choosing a book and opening it to a random page, after a chosen ritual.


Many ancient peoples believed in divine revelation through dreams, and the Greeks of that period of history were no exception, greatly appreciating onimorancie.

The Oneiroi (= Songs in Ancient Greek) were even deities who personified dreams. And their dreams conveyed the will of the gods.

The ancient Greeks practiced divination in oracular sanctuaries.

In Homer, Odyssey, (XIX, 535-550)

Penelope says to Ulysses
Come! Advise me: a dream has come to me, which I’m going to tell you… ‘

So their divinatory practices included interpreting their dreams, which they took very seriously, analyzing omens, coincidences, the flight of birds, interpreting the shapes and reflections of the viscera of sacrificial animals, and interpreting the flames and smoke of animal sacrifices.


(or onomamancy, onomatomancy).
Greek onoma= name and manteia= prediction.
Onomamancy represents divination using a person’s name. The Pythagoreans used it, and even had the saying ‘nomen omen’, which translates as ‘the name is the omen’.


Thalassomancy is divination through the observation and interpretation of the sea and its form, waves and colors.
In Greek, thalassa means sea.
One of the purifications of our divinatory pendulum is the use of moving seawater, spring water, Lourdes water or sacred fountains.

In Japan, the Yaegaki shrine dedicated to the Goddess Susanoo and Princess Inata is very famous and popular.
It’s a pond known as the “kagami no ike” mirror pond, which enables the prediction of the moment of encounter with one of her soul mates.


Greek nephelê=cloud
We observe the shape, size, speed, color and direction of clouds, on a time scale of past, present and future. The shapes will resemble animals, for example, each with its own sybolic qualities.
Nephomancy was practiced by priests in the ancient Orient, in Chaldea, Byzantium and Babylon.


58 B.C. Julius Caesar said of Druidism:
It is believed that the doctrine of the Druids originated in Brittany, and was brought from that island to Gaul; even today, those who wish to study it in depth often go there to learn’ (Gaius Julius Caesar Gallic War).

Druids had divinatory practices based on their deep connection and communion with Nature. They received divine messages and lived in their forest.
The Druids were the only ones in their clan who could interpret Divine messages, and the only ones who could address their Divinities.
Their clan also included all their Ancestors, who guided those who lived.

Their divinatory aids were the shape of trees, their foliage, the movement of branches, and certain plants such as hou, mistletoe and elder. They also used animals and stones.

The oak, natural and supernatural element for the Duids, this tree which greatly appreciates the sun and which represented it in Celtic countries, king tree of the forest and axis tree of the world connecting Heaven to Earth, and man to the Divine .
Mistletoe is rare and grew on several of their trees, such as elm or beech, but because it grew on the sacred oak, mistletoe was considered divine essence by the Druids.

It also had this intrinsic spiritual component because it is a shrub that grows on its host tree but has no contact with the ground.
The oak is a symbol of the sun, and the berries of the mistletoe are white and shaped like full moons. Oak and mistletoe form the union of feminine and masculine, yin and yang and the harmony of Divine Nature.

Mistletoe is a perennial plant that does not wither. .

Mistletoe also grows in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, South America and the magical thing is that all these mistletoe flower and ripen their berries simultaneously, although those in the hemisphere northern are in the winter period while the other mistletoes in the southern hemisphere are in the summer period. For all the mistletoe in the world, their flowering and maturation seem united by a common ancestral force of growth and life.

The Druids’ divinatory reveals were, among other things, the shape of the trees, their foliage, the movement of the branches, certain plants such as hou, mistletoe, and elderberry. They also used animals and stones.

To predict the future, and to know for example whether to give battle or not, the druids observed the berries on the holly branches, their number and growth.

During rituals to give their predictions and prophecies, they used mistletoe, interpreting the designs formed on the ground.
Druids also prophesied and made predictions during the mistletoe harvest.

The elderberry had a healing power like mistletoe but also a divinatory power of its own.
The Druids were also mediums using their elderwood flutes to communicate with their ancestors or receive divine messages, through messages, visions and flashes and practiced magic and rituals.

A druid was therefore a scholar, priest, sacrificer, philosopher, mathematician, jurist, orator, sorcerer, medium, healer, marriage counselor, political leader, teacher, jurisconsult, orator, astrologer, philosopher, mage and possessed a large number of filter recipes magical.
The Druid also had to know how to handle certain weapons (dagger, club, javelin, bow, spear, etc.), his shield and could wear his armor, all this even if he was exempt from military service.


Astrology comes from a long tradition of observing the sky which originated in Mesopotamia in the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. The Chaldean zodiacs and tablets from Babylon, almanacs from the Middle Ages, horoscopes from Catherine de Medici are proof of this and bear witness to the craze for this divinatory act. Until the 17th century, astrology occupied a privileged place in scholarly circles. Astronomers, doctors, kings and queens are captivated. Astrology provides predictions based on the astrological theme among other things and will allow the writing of the horoscope.

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