Since the dawn of time, man has always sought to know what the future has in store for him, using supports: Sand, seeds, stones, pieces of wood, smoke, plants, trees, clouds, crabs and the omens read in the entrails of sacrificed animals or in the flight of birds, cards, flashes, sparkle of stones, tea, coffee grounds, pendulum, crystal ball…

In prehistory, the discovery of fire by rubbing pieces of wood, or clashing one hard stone with another, allowed men to be able to light their caves, to warm themselves, to cook their game, then to practice rituals. trying to read the flames.

The anthropology of hunter-gatherers clearly shows that there is no separation between sacred or non-sacred activities and that turning to higher forces is part of human thought;

The cave painting artists used the walls and their reliefs as in the Lascaux cave, where they chose a wall with a very special geometry (wall in the shape of a dihedral open like a book)  to be able to paint a bison on each face, giving an impression of relief and sensation of acceleration and fall of these large bison towards the observers who are located below. According to the majority of scientists who have studied them, including some who have devoted their lives to their work, these paintings were created for the purposes of spiritual rituals.

Scholars, scientists, ethnologists, archaeologists, anthropologists, historians who interpret these works millennia after their creation, no longer think that the objective of our prehistoric ancestors was purely artistic.

Some friezes were made in the center of a large room in the cave but other wall paintings or animal engravings are located even further from the entrance to the cave, hidden in small corners of the caves, very difficult to find. access, under very low light. To be able to see these paintings, you even have to lie down, some of which are only visible to one person.
Their art would have been based on the practice of a hunting cult, composed of spirituality and hunting magic, works created and hidden to be seen by initiates.

Given the evolution of the quality and details of the drawings and the technique used, scholars concluded that the more realistic the painting was, the more our Ancestors infused into their paintings the magic of an upcoming powerful and very fruitful hunt.

In the societies of our so-called Primitive Ancestors, works of art were for sharing and were created for others, for the group, the clan, not for the glory of the artist himself.

Some researchers have deduced from their studies a link between cave paintings and objects found in shamanism, the favorite religion of hunting peoples.


Shamanism is to believe in two worlds, one of which has consequences on the other and that everything has a soul and a spirit.

The Shaman communicates with the spirits of the Ancestors, the allied spirits, the guardian spirits, the spirits of Nature: for example those of plants, animals, stones, the spirit of the forest, the spirit of water, fairies, unicorns. To receive messages and advice, the path, and thus help the person to find the harmony of their body and soul in osmosis with the cycles of Divine Nature.

In shamanism, a group of people in the same vibration is also a spirit. the human being is an element of great nature and by getting closer to it, he finds the codes there.

Trance, the shamanic journey places the shaman in a very powerful state of intuition and mediumship, connecting to a space containing all memories, knowledge and creativity.

From the animal, he captures the strength, the qualities, the instinct, the freedom, the adaptation, the energy, the means of survival.

Shamanic wisdom is to live in harmony and tranquility with others, to be there for those who need it and also to live in harmony with yourself because being harsh with yourself creates a thick fog on the mind.

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